Physical Therapy TrainingThe Jefferson HealthCare Physical Therapists gathered at their workplace every quarter for a training upgrade. On Sundays, the sprawling…1d ago11d ago1
SloMo Movement MeditationLabor Day, 2015, Hank Henderson hosted a party for the FLASH Team and family. Since opening, FLASH Theme Park, located in Issaquah, WA…6d ago6d ago
BrothersGabe, Luc, and Mike formed a SuperHero Gang early in life, pressing bleeding palms together in solidarity. They lived in a soul-sucking…Feb 24Feb 24
Ceremonial HonorThe canteen reverberated with voices and the clatter of cutlery against plates. Max Leon leaned into the conversation at the table. “I saw…Feb 19Feb 19
A Bus SymphonyOld Man Walker enters the Dial-A-Ride bus one cautious step at a time on and off a wire mesh platform lift, gripping yellow plastic balance…Feb 17Feb 17
Uncertain Is My NameA tall man steps onstage, played by colored lights. He raises his arms to the stars. “I’m Uncertain! That’s my name. I hesitate over every…Feb 41Feb 41
Integration AdventureInnerRealm Treks cultivate Resilience, the ability to Anchor in the Face of a Storm, from an Anxious Squall to a Fear Tsunami. I first…Jan 19Jan 19
Clearing ObstaclesI imagine obstacles in the Path: a boulder, a wall, a mudslide, and a bully.Jan 16Jan 16
Muscle Organization LanguagePetroglyphs represent a symbolic, ritualistic language or communication style. The prompt for this one is: Indigenous petroglyph dealing…Jan 12Jan 12
Persona: FlyingNinjaWhen I accepted Twitchy into the InnerRealm Persona Cadre, best known for his ADHD symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity…Jan 8Jan 8