Continuing Down the Medical HallwayThis week, a month out from Knee Surgery, I participated in a Knee Freeze.6d ago6d ago
Holiday BlendIt’s Christmas Time. The call goes out for a Persona Gather in the Inner Realm Persona BoardRoom. Rogue ambles in, his conman’s eye peeled…Dec 19Dec 19
Point & Blame For Self ReflectionYesterday, I conversed with a family member and got tangled in a narrative I instinctively defended myself from. I felt attacked, cornered…Dec 16Dec 16
My First MRIWhen my knees refused their stiff and silenced status, they formed the mighty Stiff Knees Duo. Cool Guy worked with a CoverUp Crew for…Dec 13Dec 13
Cool Guy and SneakyBeing Cool generally means being calm, composed, and not easily flustered, often displaying a sense of self-control and a relaxed attitude…Dec 7Dec 7
Data Is The New GoldIn days gone by, miners panned rivers for gold and dug it from the earth, with bright, shiny glints promising dreams of greatness and an…Nov 28Nov 28
HeadFogA Fellow Trekker posted a Triple Whammy Story Share about being simultaneously hit by HeadFog, Headache, and Overwhelm. I'm a frequent…Nov 22Nov 22
Stay CuriousChoice anxiety, also known as decision anxiety, is a common fear of making the wrong decision and facing the consequences. Some root causes…Nov 16Nov 16
Choice AnxietyChoice Anxiety, aka Decidophobia or Analysis Paralysis, is an intense irrational fear of making choices. I became aware of this…Nov 121Nov 121
The Burial Canoe AdventureWhen times are a steep mountain to climb in frigid conditions, I stop at a Grief Release WayStation to lighten my load. The Platform Portal…Nov 10Nov 10