Everyday tasks are a series of movement sequences strung together, much like a storyboard. Task: Do the dishes. The task can be rushed and done with impatience, experienced as a dance, or feared as insurmountable. A rushed task gets done, an insurmountable obstacle will weigh heavier and heavier, and doing a dance expresses what doing the task feels like, somewhere on the range of resistance to rush ahead.
Start small. For example, the 1st Step is: Rinse and stack the dishes on the drainboard. Before you move, visualize your soles. Visualize them lighting up, sending movement signals up through your legs to your center, and releasing them out through your arms and hands. If you are a video gamer, visualize a game-style signaling visual. If you are drawn to slower, more fluid movements, visualize sending Tai Chi-type signals.
The next step, do the Rinse & Stack movement sequence. Focus on maintaining active color signals, from soles to fingertips. Ready for the 2nd Step? That's where you branch off on your own exploration, depending on if your next step addresses filling a sink with hot, soapy water or opening the dishwasher!