Silver lived alone. She loved her nurse role at The Country Doc in Seattle and accepted it as a form of marriage. The feral cat who snuck onto her back porch to feed provided companionship, and the Story Mapping Guide Certification filled in all of the blanks. FLASH Theme Park offered five levels of Guide Training, and six months later, it transformed her in ways she could not have imagined.
She learned to see her body superimposed on a 12 Muscle Organization (MO) Grid and developed a keen awareness of her MO Readouts linked to her Nursing Skills. The first rewarding outcome came from deeper patient listening. She always had a knack for listening, but this experience ushered her into a new realm in which she simultaneously heard the patients and herself.
She had always cultivated an inner passion for helping clients leave the hospital and integrate their healing process into their everyday lives. Now, the Story Mapping Guide training required her to accept that Path.
First, she declared her Empty Thoughts methods, but when asked how she Scooped & Dumped Judgment, she drew a blank, realizing she registered as Nonjudgmental. She dedicated more time to the Park's VR Zipline until she managed Veering Tactics. Once she anchored in Judgment Acceptance, she focused on Sorting & Filing the judgment data according to Categories.