Cover and Uncover Challenge: Part 2

Cap Kotz
3 min readMar 14, 2023

We vowed to exceed our Personal Best when the Trek Team Xtreme took on the IMG (Inner Metaverse Game) Team Challenge, Cover and Uncover. Visualize the four team members stepping into the spotlight with fanfare music:

Clark is a tall man with dream tattoos on his left hand
Teddy is known for his anger
Jonah self-identifies as mousey
Me, Shane, the rebel.

Our first practice at my house started out well. Clark chose a Scout Role Card, Teddy paired with Leader, Jonah with Naysayer, and I got Reporter. We warmed up with a Circle Dance, expanding on the theme. “Cover and uncover,” tap, tap, triple beat. “Cover food with plastic wrap, nicks and scratches with paint, and feelings with fake smiles. Uncover, peel, scrub, and expose.”

Next, we added to the database ways our Role covers something and methods they use to uncover. My first impression of a reporter’s coverup is feelings. A good reporter reports the story as is, not as interpreted. But reporters are human; they have underlying driving forces, such as the need for attention and being important. So, a Reporter faces uncovering these needs and releasing their toxic hold. I have logged thousands of hours playing IMG (Inner Metaverse Game). So, I’m familiar with unlocking the Underlying Driving Forces—for example, shame, self-doubt, self-loathing, and desperation to be heard. I learned to anchor in the midst of these storms, sort & file new data, and develop integration…



Cap Kotz

Writer and Story Mapping Guide, I follow the life path no matter how challenging.