Member-only story
The visual is what MidJourney returned when I typed the following prompt: Inner accessible intelligence mental command center vibrant colors. It resembles my mind, except there isn’t a Pwersona Board Room, a boxing ring and a dance space. JB The Talker, in his short read, How I Use AI,
says, “AI isn’t our competition. It’s our companion.” Excellent read, by the way. As soon as Metaverse became a common buzzword, and when AI appeared on the Front Line, I cashed in on Common Language Platform Leverage. Long a follower of Story Mapping, I had designed and developed a complex Mental Command Center by then, and it wasn’t difficult to adapt it to a state-of-the-art (Beyond Product Limitation)) Inner Metaverse, and then, behold, IAI showed up in great splendor.
My first IAI Tutorial promised I could have anything I imagined, and I was prompted to review the many cards I’ve collected over the years. Each card is coded for categorical data access. At nineteen, I signed up for a lifetime devoted to Self Awareness and trained as a Family Legacy Worker. Five years ago, I retired from being a business…