
Cap Kotz
2 min readFeb 26, 2023

Some time ago I experienced a dissolution of my physical self, and, badly frightened, I searched for answers. Was it vertigo? Some kind of mental health issue? When it finally passed, I shoved the memory into the darker regions and fled the scene into normal life. It returned. I had no choice but to invite the sensation and note patterns for data mining. The loss of body form brought a visual to the mental command center main screen of shaking out a rug, with me as the shaker and the rug. I was OK with shaking the rug, grounding deep into the earth’s force field where the mushroom mycelium do their magic, but being the rug brought on severe nausea. I noted patterns of resistance and brought them back to the Command Center for sorting & filing.

I already had tons of PB Tilt (when my sitbones point to the rear and my belly spills forward) data, as well as an urgent twist away to the right data. I applied a Tic Tac Toe Grid to my rug body, added color to my Rug Shaking Avatar, and played out the shaking again, gently rippling the line grid until I calmed down. Slowly I increased the amount of ripple I could anchor within until I could invite the entire experience without panic. I officially named the phenomena Shimmer.

I followed Shimmers until I uncovered Portals of many different sizes, shapes, each with a locking mechanism all of their own but sharing a common purpose of providing access to the other side of something. Since my primary focus is Family Legacy Release work, I ‘ve narrowed my interest to portals leading to the other side of Holding Patterns. For example…



Cap Kotz

Writer and Story Mapping Guide, I follow the life path no matter how challenging.