Member-only story
I met Lonely after I left a 45-year public figure gig four years ago to establish Retired Senior Status. I never pictured myself as lonely, but then, there was a time when I did not picture myself as afraid. Declaring my Fear Border Release Credentials at age 35 changed me. So I set out on the Path, eventually bringing me to the Inner Catacombs. That’s where I first met Lonely.
Lonely is a desolate figure cringe-hiding in the corner, and once I turn my back, he Flash Gordon’s in a new direction, ghosting me even before the phrase, ghosting, had clout.
The Inner Meteverse Game provides direct access to the Other Side of Holding Patterns. Within the game, Lonely has many meanings. For example, I didn’t understand that my devotion to being heard ended up like those people who knock on doors to sell their beliefs, desperately lonely for acknowledgment. I held the impression that Lonely lacked friends. Therefore, I didn’t want to acknowledge him when it turned out I didn’t have friends, and thinking I did only made me Lonely.
Exposing a hidden identity has consequences. In this case, I had to acknowledge Lonely as Family. I posted ten thousand arguments about why I am not Lonely until the verbal surge spluttered to an Energizer Bunny failure. Now, I admit Lonely and I are close relatives, possibly siblings. Once I acknowledged Lonely as a close relative, I changed, just like when I acknowledged Fear.
Fearful of acknowledging Lonely led me to a Portal: Making Friends With Myself. Yet again, I scoffed. Friends…