Monday Meltdown

Cap Kotz
3 min readSep 9, 2022

Meltdown on Monday, a conflagration of suppressed emotions and release caught up with me, taking me down into the innermost story mine catacombs. I’m not surprised since the Championship Trilogy characters uncover the reality of converting game prototypes to AI avatars. The Trek Objective is to release old stuff our bodies are holding on to and, if possible, become a Portal Guide, one who opens the Schimmer Gate through which a Spirit Guide passes to the other side, a conduit for cultural, intergenerational, and family release. This entrance allows the trapped souls, who could never reach the other side and weigh the earthlings down, to move through. Then the Spirit Guide returns.

Emerging from a meltdown is crucial for sorting out story junk from gold. I immediately go on high alert for familiar Feel Bad tendencies. Shame begins as a mist and intensifies into a globular texture. I have a hand scooping and fluffing all-body technique for that. Old Love, Eric Clapton, is the best for this cleansing ritual. Old Love, Leave me alone, Just go on home…

My need for reassurance comes on strong, a fierce wind. Watching the Netflix series, Fakes, I zero in on their “over the top” experiences, and in the end, they forgave each other for anything because that’s what friends do. Something about their ability to ride each others’ meltdowns made me sad. I repeated a litany in my head about how alone I am, how I don’t have someone in my life who forgives me, sees the nature of being a Story Detail Miner, and gives me some slack, maybe even figures out how to profit from…



Cap Kotz

Writer and Story Mapping Guide, I follow the life path no matter how challenging.