Member-only story
My first conscious Dark Hallway Of Doors came to me through a dream. By my mid-thirties, I accomplished a significant footprint in the local theatre and short fiction community. Then I had The Dream.
I see a long hallway of doors without end.
Pounding Heart Storm calls for a Greek Chorus.
I select this option and am anchored on either side by a chorus echoing both sides of the story.
“Slow down.”
“Rush, run, hurry.”
“Slow down”
“And listen.”
That’s an eleven-beat. What does that mean? Filing that question in Future Data, I return to walking the dream hallway of doors accompanied by a chorus on both sides.
Slow down — these doors are hot
Rush, run, hurry & get away; I lost the dream
Remember, Slow down — there’s blood coming from underneath this door
And listen. This is the door I’m meant to listen to
I will never forget the awakening jolt I experienced emerging from this dream. This was in the mid-eighties, a different time. I was Avatar before there were declared avatars, before the Hallway of Doors gained notoriety as a theme of Inner Exploration, even though this is not a new concept/story. My first Hallway Of Doors Dream showed me a door with child blood flowing under the lit threshold. Lit with brilliant light, and I understood my life hereafter has dramatically changed.