Member-only story
A tall man steps onstage, played by colored lights. He raises his arms to the stars. “I’m Uncertain! That’s my name. I hesitate over every choice, doubt my ability to read a situation, and question whether I’m lovable.”
“Doubting, dismissing, or rerouting choices is a skill I have honed. The top three decision-making categories are Creative Flow, Everyday Life, and Heightened Situations. Creating Creative Uncertainty is a system. Artists are sensitive by nature and prone to a range of emotions. I start by flagging unique core expressions with flashing lights to trigger Retreat & Cancel.”
A group of people intimidated by flashing lights and warning signs appear on the wall surrounding Uncertain. “After a while, the habit takes over, and I don’t have to do anything but sit back and watch demise unfold.”
Pausing for reflection, the tall man says, “Everyday tasks are a favored way to establish Insecure Confusion. Most people address their To Do Lists as a way of feeling accomplished and successful. The dishes are washed and the floor swept, yet frequently, the underlying worries about doing something right or correctly get strengthened through CoverUp. I program the Inner Critical Voices that belittle and undermine. And the beauty of the confusion, of mistaking accomplishment for banishing insecurity, is that people desperately chase one way after another to…